
Cress - Marissa Meyer

I've been fan of this series since I picked up Cinder, so there was no surprise when I loved this one. 


I didn't end up re-reading/skimming Scarlet because in retrospect as much as I loved that book, it didn't move the story along a whole lot.


Now this book took a gigantic leap forward in setting up the final book. Pretty much everything I would have wanted happened. Cinder was fairly predictable, but Scarlet and Cress have shown that there are a ton of surprises in this series.


It has amazing characters, fun twists on classic fairy tales, a well set up future society (okay the Lunars are still a bit weird but it works), and best of all, NO LOVE TRIANGLES. 


I am absolutely dying for Winter now. We did meet her briefly...and she's interesting.