Pride & Platypus: Mr. Darcy's Dreadful Secret

SOS is doing another round of BINGO, but this is freebie-only and we're doing two shelves a week. The BINGO spaces are based off of letters in the title/series/author name so it's less restrictive, except for the fact they have to be free. Still, a fun way to get through all those godforsaken freebies I thought were a great idea to "buy" at the time.
Well, it should be obvious why I picked this up. Solely on the title. It's a take off of Pride and Prejudice, but the men change into an animal during the full moon each month.
What animal they change into is sometimes known, it seemed analogous to a person's cultural background. Plenty of people will offer up where their family is from, but asking directly is considered rude.
In the book, most people are open about what they change into. Mr. Bennett is a lion, Mr. Bingley a tiger, Mr. Collins's "affliction" is perfect but I would make you read the book to see what it is.
Mr. Darcy's "affliction" is not known, but is a great source of gossip in society. He comes from a long line of great cats, which is well-regarded affliction, but what he is cursed with can be "guessed" from the title. As in, it is in the title.
It was a decent adaptation and had some funny parts, but I feel society would have changed more if this was common. There is a fun section where because of a passing comet, the men have been changing more randomly and some places have the men caged at all times, even in the sitting room while conversing with others or at dinner.
I don't think I'd pick up another in the series.