I picked up Garden Spells for my ongoing Hogwarts Challenge, as it could on its own net me 8 points.
I had never heard of it, but I really enjoyed reading it. The story follows the Waverly family who live in a town full of families with long histories and unusual traits, from dating older women, to gossiping, to one man being the strongest person in town even in his 90s.
The Waverly family is considered odd, even compared to the rest of the town. Each member seems to have some sort of ability, and the tree in the backyard has a mind of its own and apples that will supposedly show you either the best or worst moment of your life.
Claire is an amazing baker/chef/caterer whose food can bring joy and sadness. But everyone leaves her and she doesn't know how to act with an attractive interested neighbor. Her younger sister Sydney shows up after ten years with a daughter, Bay. Bay knows that they belong there. Claire's older cousin brings humor to the book in that she feels the need to give people things that they will need, even if she doesn't know why.
I loved the relationship between the two sisters as they grow to learn about each other. We don't get a lot of flashbacks to their childhood, but it's clear they were never close and we get to see a bond form in this book.
I really enjoyed this book and plan to pick up more by the author.