Isla and the Happily Ever After

Isla and the Happily Ever After - Stephanie Perkins

Another series finished :)


This series is loosely connected and started with Anna and the French Kiss(AFK). The next one was Lola and the Boy Next Door (LBND) took place in a different setting but the couple from the first did show up a few times.


Isla and the Happily Ever After (IHEA) felt like a true sequel to AFK. We return to the School of America in Paris and the story is told from the point of view of Isla, who we saw a few times in AFK but she was not the focus. Anna figures out she has a crush on Anna's friend Josh and thinks they would be a better fit than he is with his current girlfriend. Josh and his girlfriend break up at the end of AFK. It was nice to get back to that storyline and see what happened when Isla and Josh were in their senior year. 


The story starts the summer before when they run into each other in New York where they both live. Isla is a fairly shy person but recently got her wisdom teeth out and is on a fair amount of drugs. She sees Josh, her longtime crush and for the first time actually goes up and talks to him. 


When they return to school they actually start dating. One aspect I liked about this book more than the last two is that in them, the driving drama was that one of couple had been in a relationship. For IHEA, they get together fairly quickly.


Then the drama arrives and they get separated, Josh returning to New York with limited access to phones. The distance and Isla's doubts drive them apart before a finish that wraps up their story as well as Anna and Etienne. Lola and Cricket also make a short appearance.


I would've liked to see Isla become a bit more confident and make more of a decision when it came to her future than she did. I felt like her decision was still based around Josh despite him not being in her life at that  point. But this was clearly my favorite of the three books.